Whatever Happened To Sin?
2 Samuel 12:114
2 Samuel 12:7a: "And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man."
The name of Karl Menninger is synonymous in our day with the practice of psychiatry.
Through the years Dr. Menninger has sought to analyze and to solve world problems with the application of psychiatry.
In his book entitled, "Whatever Became Of Sin?" He seeks to look into the worldwide problem of gloom,
anxiety, depression, and discouragement.
He traces many of these results to the problem of sin.
Menninger calls for a universal recognition of sin as a prevention against self-destruction.
The word, "sin," has almost disappeared from the vocabulary of most people.
Though the word is slipping from our vocabulary, the sense of guilt remains in the hearts and minds of people.
Perhaps, we need to look again at the idea of sin.
Sin is rebellion against God.
Sin is to be separated from a loving God.
Sin is a missing of the mark which a holy God has set for us.
It is a tragedy when the discussion of sin disappears from our thinking.
Almost any story in the Bible could furnish a text for the subject of sin.
The incident of David's rebellion against God gives us numerous insights into the matter of sin.
Whatever Became of the Reality of Sin?
Months after David's departure from God's will with regards to Bathsheba, he was tormented with his guilt.
Evidently, he would not face the reality of sin in his life.
Nathan confronted David by saying to him, "Thou art the man!"
People experience serious guilt problems when they are unwilling to face the reality of their sins.
Others try to rationalize the prevalence of sin.
First, Observation teaches us the reality of sin.
We only have to look at the news headlines to admit the reality of a rebellion against God.
The political scandals, the atrocious crimes against people, the abuse of property teaches us of the reality of sin.
Drive through any city, and you will learn that our cities believe in sin.
They have policeman roaming our streets, and ready to haul offenders off to jail.
Every banker believes in sin, for their vaults are securely locked.
Car manufacturers believe in sin, for they install locks on the doors, and alarms that go off
if someone tries to break in your car.
Look at life all about you.
This observation will teach you of the universal belief in sin.
Second, Experience teaches us the reality of sin.
A close introspection into our own personal life will produce the conclusion of sin's reality.
Our thoughts convince us that we do not think as our Lord wants us to think.
Studying our speech reveals our lack of concern for other people.
Our actions reflect that most of life's concerns center in ourselves.
Third: The Holy Spirit teaches the reality of sin.
Jesus taught that one prominent ministry of the Holy Spirit would be to teach the reality of sin.
For Jesus said in John 16:8: "And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin,
of righteousness, and of judgment."
The Holy Spirit confronts people with the reality of sin.
Though we might not have committed the atrocious acts that David committed,
we need to be confronted with the reality of our sins.
Few people are willing to confront the reality of their rebellion against God.
Whatever Became of the Regret Over Sin?
Nathan confronted David with the reality of his sin and rebellion.
When David acknowledged his sin, he had deep regret.
Anytime a person confronts his sin seriously, profound regret should result.
First, Regret comes because sin hurts God.
God has high values for mankind.
When man fails to live in accordance with God's will, God is deeply hurt.
What was the predominant feeling of David when David sinned?
God was deeply grieved and had profound sorrow.
Sin wounds the heart of God.
Second, Regret comes because sin destroys self.
God allows a person the privilege either to accept or to reject Him.
Men can rebel against God and destroy himself.
A person can look at numerous examples in biblical history and in contemporary life
to see have sin destroys a person.
Samson knew the regret of self-destruction
Third, Regret comes because sin impairs human relationships.
Sin separates us from a harmonious relationship with other human beings.
Families get divided, nations fight, and community groups are alienated from each other.
Sin against another human being should bring regret because of these seriously impaired relationships.
Looking into some of the Psalms written by David (especially Psalm 32 and Psalm 51) tells us
that David regretted his sin.
A genuine sorrow over sin is the need of our day.
Whatever Became of the Repentance From Sin?
David saw the reality of his rebellion.
It brought profound regret to him, but the godly sorrow led him to repentance.
He repented and committed his life anew and afresh to the Lord.
First, Repentance has a supreme place in our lives.
Nathan was God's appointed prophet to call David to repent and turn back to God.
The prophets sought to turn people in the direction of God.
Jesus came preaching a message of repentance.
Preachers must call for people to repent and surrender to the will of God.
Second, Repentance has profound meaning.
Repentance does not mean to acknowledge your rebellion, and to regret it.
Oh no!
Repentance means to change your mind and move in new and right direction.
Repentance means to turn from our selfishness and to be committed to the Lord.
Third, Repentance produces wonderful results.
When David repented, his life moved in a new direction.
Life took on a new meaning and significance after his repentance.
Repentance removes the guilt of sin.
Repentance provides us a new life in Jesus Christ.
If you travel to New Orleans, Louisiana, you will probably travel over a long 26 mile bridge over Lake Ponchatrain.
At various intervals in the bridge spans, there are crossovers which are called "Turn-a-rounds."
Throughout our life we have many opportunities to turn life around through the means of repentance.
This sermon was adapted from several sources by Dr. Harold L. White